Tower in cairo (gizera tower )

 Cairo Tower is one of the most important landmarks and beauty of Cairo

 Where it was built in the period between 1956-1961

 And the engineer who supervised its construction, <Naoum Shebib>

 The Cairo Tower was built during the era of the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, and its construction at this time cost about 6 million Egyptian pounds, at which time the United States had given it to Egypt with the aim of influencing its position in support of the Algerian case against the French occupation.  And about this, says the military historian Jamal Hammad, when the tower was built, it had two names. The Americans called it “Abdel Nasser’s thorn.”

 The height of this great edifice is 187 meters, and it is 43 meters higher than the Great Pyramid of Giza.  You will also find on the top of the Cairo Tower a tourist restaurant on a rotating platform that revolves around the restaurant visitors to see the landmarks of Cairo from all sides.

 Cairo Tower consists of 16 floors

 And its base is from the Aswan granite stones that were previously used by the ancient Egyptians in building their temples and tombs.

 Whereas when you start your journey in this tower from beginning to end, you will be fascinated by what you will see inside it first

 And when you go up to the 14th floor, you will find a restaurant with a glass facade, you can see more and the greatest landmarks of Egypt from behind, and you will be blessed with the beauty you will see in terms of the nature of the Nile and its flow in the middle of the city

 Great pyramids of Egypt

 Sphinx and its great secrets

 Saladin Castle and the beauty of its great walls

 The flower and the splendor of the flowers and their beauty around it

  The Cairo Tower was renovated in a work that lasted about two to three years from 2006 to 2008 by the Egyptian Arab Contractors Company. The restoration and repair process cost about 15 million pounds and includes treatment and restoration of the tower’s concrete number 3 floors of metal structures below the tower

  The restaurant is in the body of the tower, a floor above the main entrance, building an emergency staircase and an elevator for visitors, developing the entrance to the tower and the fronts of the tower, and adding new external lighting.

 برج القاهره هو من اهم معالم القاهره وجمالها 

حيث تم بناءه فى الفتره ما بين 1956-1961

والمهندس الذى اشرف على بناءه نعوم شبيب

برج القاهرة تم بناؤه في عهد الرئيس الراحل جمال عبد الناصر وتكلف بناؤه فى هذا الوقت حوالى 6 ملايين جنيه مصري، وقتها كانتالولايات المتحدة قد أعطتها لمصر بهدف التأثير على موقفها المؤيد للقضية الجزائرية ضد الاحتلال الفرنسيوعن هذا يقول المؤرخ العسكريجمال حماد عندما تم بناء البرج كان له اسمان فالأميركان أطلقوا عليه «شوكة عبد الناصر»، 

يصل ارتفاعه هذا الصرح العظيم إلى 187 متراً وهو أعلى من الهرم الاكبر بالجيزة بحوالي 43 متراكما انك ستجد على قمه برج القاهرةمطعم سياحي على منصة دوارة تدور برواد المطعم ليروا معالم القاهرة من كل الجوانب.

برج القاهره يتكون من 16 طابقاً 

و قاعدتة من أحجار الجرانيت الأسواني التي سبق أن استخدمها المصريون القدماء في بناء معابدهم ومقابرهم 

حيث انك عندما تبدء رحتلك فى هذا البرج من اولها الى اخرها ستزهل بما ستراه بداخله اولا 

وعندما تصعد الى الطابق ال ١٤ ستجد مطعم بواجهه زجاجيه تستطيع ان ترى اكثر واعظم معالم مصر من ورائها وستبرهك بما ستراه منجمال حيث طبيعه النيل وسريانه وسط المدينه 

اهرامات مصر العظيمه 

ابو الهول واسراره العظيمه 

قلعه صلاح الدين وجمال اسوارها العظيمه 

الازهر وروعه الزهور وجمالها من حوله

 برج القاهرة تم تجديده في عمل استمر حوالي سنتين  الى ثلاث سنوات من 2006 حتى 2008 وذلك من قبل شركة المقاولون العرب المصرية  عمليه الترميم والإصلاح تكلفت حوالي 15 مليون جنيه و تتضمنها معالجة وترميم خرسانة البرج  عدد 3 أدوار هياكل معدنيه اسفل البرج

 المطعم ببدن البرج ودور  أعلى المدخل الرئيسى وأنشاء سلم للطوارئ ومصعد للزائرين وتطوير مدخل البرج و واجهات البرج وإضافة اضاءةخارجية جديدة.


المشاركات الشائعة